As a work-from-home Learning Designer, Content Developer, and Project Manager for the Western Washington University/LIHI Mentoring Project, Marc created the program’s online training in the Canvas LMS, including all program content. As Special Project manager, Marc...
Marc designed this course for the Munro Institute, Seminar on Washington State Politics and Government, at Western Washington University for the Political Science Department. The course technically was Political Science 360, a seminar-based discussion course with the...
Marc created the screencast as a marketing tool for the LIHI/WWU Mentoring Project, and narrated it as well. Although the project no longer exists, the projects’s website does, and this video is still used on that website. For more information about the...
Marc created the animated video below using a application called “Powtoons”. It was created as part of the final evaluation in the LIHI/WWU Mentoring Project, and is designed to highlight program outcomes.